Sunday, 9 October 2016

The Virus: Patient Zero

A special treat for the Holiday, the start of a new series.

Story by me Images from Huniepop by Huniepot Games

Got it Maid

This basic premise was stolen from a comic I read years ago, except instead of maids it was a girl's school.

Office Gossip

A custom caption for Fiona for spotting the hidden reference in the title of a recent caption.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Bar Sinister

Images were provided for a caption contest, the theme was high heels.

I will offer a custom caption to the first person who can reply in comments explaining
 the joke in the title of this caption.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Noomie Beer: Special Reserve

Something special for Oktoberfest, it is a special Noomie Beer caption.